Introduction to Medical Informatics


Technical aspects of medical informatics, computers in medicine, computer security and its role in medicine, databases in medical IS, IT in diagnostics and therapy, computer networks and network services, Internet & WWW, biomedical statistics, image processing & processing of biosignal, electronic medical records, information sources in medicine, computers and health, computer decision support in medicine, evidence based medicine.


Attendance on seminars and practical exercises, submission of homework and demonstration of basic knowledge from the course is required for acquiring credit from the course.

Syllabus of lectures:

Lectures will be taught as webinars (using MS Teams environment) in time as scheduled in your schedule. First lecture is scheduled on Wednesday 14th October 2021 from 16:45. Here is a link to the MS team. to medical informatics. intelligence in Medicine. & information sources. networks and network services I. networks and network services II. security & cyber(crimi)nality.

Syllabus of practical excercises

1. Graphical representation of medical data I
2. Graphical representation of medical data II
3. Tabular processing of medical data I.
4. Tabular processing of medical data II.
5. Scientific data: Where to find relevant and truthful information